About us

The Children's Centre of Integral Education, established on the 21st day of February, 1975, has been amalgamated on the 31st day of March, 1994, to Sri Aurobindo Education and Welfare Society (SAEWS), an autonomous society, registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, vide Regd. No. KRD/6261-480 of 1994-95 and is functioning as one of its Unit.



The Centre is managed by a Managing Committee, duly constituted by SAEWS, as per the special rules framed by the Government of Odisha for all Integral Schools of the State, on the proposal of New Life Education Trust.

The Centre functions in coordination with the New Life Education Trust, Bhubaneswar and Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry, and as per Rules and Regulations framed and guidelines issued by SAEWS.

Day-to-day administration of the Centre is carried out by the Principal under the authority & guidance of the Managing Committee.


By the Government of Odisha: The Centre is duly recognised by the Government of Odisha for Classes LKG, UKG (KG-I & KG-II) and from Class-I to Class-X as per the pattern of 10+2+3 National System of Education.

By CISCE, New Delhi: The Centre is permanently affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, for preparing students for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) Examination after completion of ten years schooling (I to X). The medium of instruction for the examination is English except in Second Language Paper, i.e. Oriya/Hindi.


In order to achieve the above aims & objectives, the Centre has well qualified, trained and devoted teachers in all disciplines.

Teacher-Pupil Ratio is maintained at 1:20 and class strength restricted to 24. Result is very rewarding. The teacher comes closer to the students. Correction work is done regularly, since teachers take much less number of classes and get more time for correction work and interaction with the students.


Academic Session for the students, i.e. for classes from LKG to X, starts from the 1st April of the year and ends on the 31st March of the following year.